All Out Adventures is situated in the Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal.

All Out Adventures’ most popular activity is the Extreme Cable Tour. This is an aerial cable tour through the treetops of a pine plantation. Each tour takes 45 to 90 minutes (depending on group size) and includes seven platforms with some slides up to 260-metres long. For the more daring, speeds of up to 60km/h can be achieved!

It’s a gentle walk to the first platform, which is built into the side of a hill. From here, you’re into the forest canopy, whizzing on cables that will send you zipping across the valley. A guide-operated braking system ensures a smooth, safe landing on each platform. This is the only aerial cable tour where you do not have to grip the cable to stop. As such, young children can be accommodated to make this a fun adventure for the whole family.

Wear shorts or long pants with closed walking shoes (sports trainers or hiking boots) for this activity.