Based and nestled around the beautiful Cradle of Humankind, ADA operates in the field of motorcycle rider and vehicle driver training from adventure riding to K53 training. Our all-in-one training center have complete training facilities and our highly experienced trainers are TETA accredited and offer the best on-and-off-road rider and driver training. ADA is a responsible and environmental friendly training institution which in turn provided us with exclusive access to our neighboring game farm within the Cradle of Humankind. We are now able to treat our clients with spectacular outrides to the game farm to end off our courses.
New and Experienced Rider Off-road Training Courses
The new rider skills motorbike training course is a beginner course designed around the principles of safe riding practices, providing new and young motorbike riders with a level of independence. Riders will learn the fundamental basics of riding an off-road motorcycle.
We also have an intermediate rider skills course for the more experienced rider which prepares riders for more advanced riding practices. This course includes aspects such as the principles of mind-set, mastering primary controls, unison, balance, body position and interpreting the terrain.
Dual Purpose Off-Road Training Courses
Our DP, DP1 and DP2 courses are for the more experienced riders who want to refresh and sharpen their off-road riding skills for endurance rides, adventure riding and tours. These courses focus more on balance, emergency braking, up and downhill techniques, high speed turns and so many other important techniques. The DP1 and DP2 courses stretch over two days and we have accommodation options available on request.
Join us at ADA for an unforgettable experience. Remember, safety always comes first!