Deep Sea Fishing - South Africa

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Deep-Sea Fishing in South Africa. Where can I deep sea fish in SA?

Coming to South Africa, deep-sea fishing might be the very last thing on your mind - after all, there are so many things to do on terra firma that you hardly have time to factor in the great big ocean (or, technically two oceans, if you take into account that our beautiful coastline plays host to the waters of both the Atlantic and the Indian oceans). However, if you have a love for the deep or simply want to get away…

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Deep Sea Fishing - South Africa

Deep-Sea Fishing in South Africa. Where can I deep sea fish in SA?

Coming to South Africa, deep-sea fishing might be the very last thing on your mind - after all, there are so many things to do on terra firma that you hardly have time to factor in the great big ocean (or, technically two oceans, if you take into account that our beautiful coastline plays host to the waters of both the Atlantic and the Indian oceans). However, if you have a love for the deep or simply want to get away from the inevitable hustle and bustle of landlocked tourist traps, deep-sea fishing can be the perfect alternative to other conventional leisure pursuits.

Sign up with a South African deep sea fishing charter service and you will have the opportunity to venture to fishing grounds where snoek, steenbras, Cape salmon, and the mighty Broadbill swordfish hold sway - an awe-inspiring experience to say the least. In fact, one can get carried away just reading the enchanting names given to these denizens of the deep - think elf, skate, Roman, panga, and the Atlantic big eye.

Although catch and release is the preferred method of game fishing in South African waters due to the depletion of our ocean life over recent years, exceptions will be made if you are fishing for the pot and plan to enjoy your catch back home. Indiscriminate sport fishing is not tolerated at all, but if you fall in with the selective deep-sea fishing practiced by most reputable charters along the coastline you are sure to have an unbeatable angling adventure experience.

Speak to a few seasoned South African fishermen and you will realize that the fishing is not just about getting away from the missus or hooking the big one - it’s about being out on the open water, living the moment with friends by your side, and a solid shipper behind the wheel. These old salts will point you in the direction of the reefs at Rocky Bank just shy of Cape Point, Cape Town where you can expect to catch snapper, yellowtail, or snoek; or alternatively, recommend that you team up with charter boats along the Eastern Cape or KwaZulu-Natal coastline. Along the way, you will enjoy incredible scenery and could very well stumble upon Southern Right whales sunning their young.

Prices will depend on the kind of budget you have, but generally, visitors find game fishing in South Africa quite affordable. Why not peruse the activity providers we are affiliated with and select the deep sea fishing charter that suits your requirements (and pocket) the best?

Deep Sea Fishing Operators
