Kayaking in Garden Route.
Kayaking is always fun, it can be hard core or very mellow or both, so there are options for everyone. It is easy to learn to Kayak and our operator’s supply all equipment including life jackets and paddles, so the hardest part for you is to choose which of the Garden Route kayaking itineraries excites you the most.
Whether you’re self-driving or on a tour your Garden Route adventure will follow the scenic N2. This national road winds its way through some of the most awe inspiring landscapes imaginable. A highlight of this drive is crossing the many lagoons, estuaries, rivers and gorges that this area is famous for. Don’t rush past these beautiful places. Most of them can be explored in a kayak and adventure companies operate kayaking trips in all the navigable bodies of water; the cliff-bound black waters of the Kaaimans River in the South, the turquoise lagoons of Wilderness and Knysna, the exciting Storms River Gorge in the North and kilometres and kilometers of pristine coastal waters.