Ok, you’ve seen Cliff Hanger, Vertical Limit and read all there is on the Mt. Everest dramas. Guess what? None of that stuff is what we do…
So, if Hollywood filmmakers have scared you off from this not-so-extreme sport, allow us to show you a sport that:
Takes you to beautiful places
Builds close friendships
Helps you stay fit and supple
Makes you achieve things that you never thought humanly possible
Helps you discover muscles that you never knew you had!
You can even do it with physical problems like asthma, sight or hearing problems etc.
Who is this course for?
This course is offered for the true beginner that has never climbed before to experience the real thing. If you have climbed before, outdoors or in a climbing gym, you are also more than welcome to join us.
After assessing the basic skills and levels of climbing of everyone on course, the program starts. Over the weekend, we make sure that everybody can perform all the basic skills to accompany more experienced climbers on further climbs.
It is strongly suggested that all the rope work and techniques that you get taught on this course, are practiced first under the supervision of qualified or very experienced climbers before you get onto the rocks with friends or lesser experienced climbers.
We visit 3 to 4 different rock faces during the course and give all the students an opportunity to climb as much as possible in all these areas.
The age restriction for this course is 10 (to be accompanied by parents). By law any person under 18 has to be indemnified by a parent or legal guardian before the course start date.
Is it safe?
Since Roc ‘n Rope Adventures started in 1999, a twisted ankle was all that anybody took home in the form of injuries. Our instructors are trained to keep you safe.
We are never more than 5km away from the local hospital and Waterval Boven has a Mountain Rescue team on stand-by.
Even if you never continue climbing, at least we will help you answer the age old questions: “How do those climbers get the rope up there?”
And: “How do they get the ropes down!?”