Choose Life Adventures

Choose Life adventures: Biblical value based team of instructors, offering Christian and other programs at your venue or one in our area. Choose Life specialize in smaller groups and prefer not to host large groups as we believe in investing our lives and experience in our learners. Our programs are top notch, ranging from enviro-education, experiential learning through the whole spectrum of adventure up and unto adventure therapy and adventure based counselling programs. Leadership identification, team building and team development are some of our specialised programs. We tend to break away from the activity-based program towards an objective based program.

“…. do not ask what the curriculum will do to them, rather ask what they will do with the curriculum….”

“ Oh that they might have life and that in abundance!”

Come experience adventure in His creation and learn about love, life and have fun at the same time. Feeding lion cubs, touching elephants, abseil, archery, and learning about our star breathing God, what more do you need?