Dirty Boots 2025

Herewith a short background description of Dirty Boots.

We are the only publishing company in South Africa that focusses on taking adventure to the travel trade and other related industries including corporate, team building and incentive companies.  We registered in 2005 and published our first adventure guidebook in the same year.  The books current format is A4, perfect bound with 144 pages in full colour. 

Our book distribution is very focussed on the travel trade, and we do this via courier and by personally attending travel shows, workshops and other travel related events, locally and internationally. We will be printing 6000 copies in 2025 and start distributing the next book at the Indaba travel show in Durban.  The book is also available in digital format for distribution to the international travel trade.

Download on Etsy or Amazon.

Our website is a little more comprehensive, giving quality information on commercial adventure activities across South Africa, available to the adventurer and tourist.  Currently we are averaging about 1000 unique visitors a day on Google. Our website has over 4000 pages dedicated to commercial adventure activities in South Africa.

Dirty Boots works closely with SATSA Adventure, SA Tourism and the Department of Tourism to assist in promoting South Africa as a safe professional adventure destination.  We are very proud of our involvement with the industry and will continue to contribute where possible. 

Every few years we also arrange an Adventure Summit/conference for the industry.  The next summit is planned for the Drakensberg in 2024, the attendees are mostly adventure company owners and managers from across South Africa. 

This years rate was R11 950 per full page

I will gladly give you a call or arrange a zoom meeting if you would like to discuss this proposal in further detail. 
Johan Radcliffe