Clarens - Paintball

Paintball in South Africa.

In this action-packed game, teams of players compete against each other on a pre-designed battlefield. 

Arenas may be set in forests, building ruins, or on open ground with natural and man-made barriers that act as both protection and obstacles. Each player is armed with a paintball gun and a limited number of paintballs as ammunition. The game is over when everyone's ammo is finished or the flag has been successfully captured by a team. This game is all…

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Clarens Adventures

Paintball in South Africa.

In this action-packed game, teams of players compete against each other on a pre-designed battlefield. 

Arenas may be set in forests, building ruins, or on open ground with natural and man-made barriers that act as both protection and obstacles. Each player is armed with a paintball gun and a limited number of paintballs as ammunition. The game is over when everyone's ammo is finished or the flag has been successfully captured by a team. This game is all about strategy and teamwork - and trying not to be shot by the other team.

Although protective overalls and masks are issued, the paintballs can cause welts, bruises and even broken skin.  For this reason, paintball is not recommended for children.

While paintball is a popular teambuilding activity in Johannesburg and Cape Town, you will find arenas in the most unexpected locations too. This is an exciting game to play with a group of friends or your family while on holiday.

Clarens Adventures Operators

Clarens | Paintball - Clarens Xtreme - Paintball

Paintball at Clarens Xtreme…the most fun, action and laughter you will pack into an hour! The friendly village of Clarens 3 hours south of Johannesburg is the Eastern Free State’s land of milk and honey when it comes to nature-based adventure. Be inspired by the splendour of nature set amongst the Rooiberge range and the Maluti Mountains which form part of the Lesotho Highlands. Let your on......
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